Friday, 22 December 2017

Vastu Shastra Brings Positive Energy to Your Home

Vastu Shastra is the Vedic study of architecture, which follows certain principles and is aligned with certain beliefs. It is akin to the Oriental belief of Feng Shui. Vastu rests on the conception that every living and non-living thing on Earth has a soul. And souls react to the magnetic forces covering the Earth. By following Vastu principles people believe they stay in harmony with the cosmic energy, thus positively affecting their lives.

Interestingly, Vastu states that matter is made of five basic elements. They are earth, water, fire, wind and ether or vacuum. These elements can be recognized as the basis of many types of beliefs. The already mentioned Feng Shui is one of them, and the other is of course astrology that also has 'fire', 'water', 'earth' and 'wind' signs.
So, if one wants a house to aid in the general well-being, health, happiness and prosperity of its occupants, then Vastu Shastra is one of the ways in which this can be done.
Vastu dictates how your house should be built, what direction the doors and windows should open, what   are the ingredients that should or should not be used in the construction of certain rooms, and what furniture should be placed where in the house. To sum it up, one can easily leave it upon Vastu to design and set one's house!

The concepts of Vastu rely on the tenets that combination of aforesaid elements can be made to aid in one's over all well-being in the world. Hence, advices may range from refraining to use river-mud while constructing one's puja-room, or placing the bed in the bedroom in a North-South direction. And if a river flows in the vicinity of the house, then what should be the direction of the rooms and doors and windows.

While a number of Vastu instructions can be explained scientifically, some ambiguities remain, which can easily be credited to the long time-difference between the era in which it would have been created and the present age.

As can be seen, Vastu covers a major part of one's lifestyle. And as it happens with every all encompassing subject, the followers of Vastu are many. Builders take care to follow the advice of Vastu-gurus before finalizing a design for any prospective building, as a considerable number of buyers and clients tend to follow Vastu Shastra.

The ancient science is so popular among some firm believers that it can become a matter of deciding upon the sale or rent of any major architectural construction. This makes Vastu a major mover of market and real estate dealings. All in all,  Vastu Shastra   is an important moving force in Indian architecture, and major parts of the clientele consider the Vastu-friendliness of the dealing.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Learn Scientific Vastu with Design Gurukul

Vastu is an ancient science of architecture. It is the science which has lived since evolution of mankind. It is felt, perceived and analyzed by many but expressed and written by few. It is that part of experiential learning which is now taken up as experimental learning. Vastu was a subject of masses and followed by many.  It is a deep understanding of harmony between Purus (Living Beings) and Prakrirti (Nature). Harmony is an instinctive understanding and is primarily sub conscientious driven.  Living beings understand harmony very well. Nobody needs to teach the basics of harmony and comforts.  Therefore Vastu has existed beyond all calculations. For example a person without a home who has to sleep will instinctively choose a place under a shady tree due to thermal and visual comfort. Actually the mind and body of the person is in a comfort band. The person has not learned by comforts, appropriate environments or harmony with laws of nature, yet the person instinctively chooses whatever improves his QUALITY OF LIFE.

Since Vastu has existed from thousand of years, there are innumerable definitions. Everyone has described this science in his or her own ways. There awt to be innumerable definitions of vastu.

“It is Science and an art of living in Harmony with the Laws of Nature.”
Another perspective says “Vastu is the study of buildinng and land where Human and other beings live.”

It is has also been explained as Science of Wiser Creations Most it is understood as Science of directions to bring harmony to life As per Wikipedia Vastu shastra (vāstu śāstra) is a traditional Hindu system of architecture which literally translates to "science of architecture." These are texts found on the Indian subcontinent that describe principles of design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement and spatial geometry. 
The ancient text on Vastu Shastra like Maya Mata and manasara included chapters on home construction, town planning, and how efficient villages, towns and kingdoms integrated temples, water bodies and gardens within them to achieve harmony with nature. Due to lack of knowledge, modern architects and designers do not any ideas about secrets of ancient Indian architecture.

My opinion for Vastu is extremely simple. Our copyrighted definition for Scientific Vastu is:

Scientific Vastu is the study of relationship (life) between occupants and building in context land, location and environment (nature).

Monday, 13 November 2017

What Everyone Ought to Know About Vaastu Remedies

Carrying on with your life as per Vaastu standards will always benefit you due to Panch Maha Bhoot’s and various forces & energies existing in nature. In other terms, Vaastu is key to open doors of health, joy, and prosperity in your life.

There are certain positive & negative energies in our surroundings. Any Vaastu deformity bothers the positive energies and because of which you may experience various problems emerging in the external or internal environment of your accommodation. Correcting these “Vaastu Dosh” without demolitions but with some changes in your house like the order of placement of things, interiors, and keeping a certain type of charged objects to regulate the environment are Vaastu remedies. These changes, in turn, bring back the lost happiness of your family and in a true manner makes your house a “Healthy Home.

Healthy Home & Instrument Training

Feng Shui art of living in China also works on the similar principle of evacuating negative energies & enhancing positive energies for the betterment of life.

Whom to consult?
It is advisable to consult a Vaastu expert to expel Vaastu dosh from your premises. Sometimes with incomplete knowledge when people use different strategies or devices in a wrong way can be extremely harmful.

A perfect Vaastu compliance might not be feasible in urban cities due to compact architecture in urban cities however minor changes in Interior Design keeping certain instruments to enhance the positive energies counter balances the negative energies to convert them into positive ones.

Getting trained with certain Vaastu principles can uplift your life to next level. Get yourself trained & manage the positive energies of your home by benefitting from “Healthy Home & Instrument Training” from Designgurukul.

For more information log on to

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Thinking About Benefits of Vaastu in Business? Read This!

Vaastu is the ancient science associated with the layout of buildings or their architecture that helps in prosperity and peace of its inhabitants by managing the cosmic energy in that building. It also creates a balance amongst the five components of nature & directions with man and material.

With its growing effectiveness and satisfaction amongst Vaastu-followers have made a major proportion of businessmen also incorporate the Vaastu principles for their growth. 

Here is how Scientific Vaastu can be helpful to flourish your business.

Each one of us wants to climb the ladder to success but running a business with success is not all about gaining profits but is far beyond that. Various hurdles in a business could be associated with:
·         Unstable Profits
·         Dishonest Labour
·         Outcome not as per efforts
·         Disputes with partner
·         Debts
·         Insufficient orders
·         Theft of Inventory
·         Financial Issues
·         Accidents (owner or labour)
·         Competitions

Whether planning a startup or an expansion of already running business following simple Vaastu principles and many easy techniques facilitates you not only successfully run your business but also help in-
·         Increases your reputation
·         Strong revenue growth
·         Better relationship with labour/employee
·         Reduces the break-down and waste
·         Stability of profits
·         Improves the sale
·         Triggers the quicker movement of stock
·         Enhances the collection of payments
·         Creates a peaceful ambiance at workplace
·         Increases the clientele
·         Deliveries on time
·         Higher production
·         Expansion of business
·         Overall prosperity

A non-profitable or unstable business not only impacts the finances, however, affects several other aspects and family. It will arise depression, stress, and conflicts amongst the family members too. It is advisable to follow the proverb-It’s never too late to make things right.
To get yourself enrolled in Best Vaastu Course in Delhi log onto which is also a leading and Best Numerology Institute in India.