A healthy dwelling must
ensure some of the below mentioned characteristics:
vA healthy
location helps in creation of Healthy Environment.

vA healthy
dwelling must have a perfect balance between internal and external environment.
vThe building
should be free from all syndromes like SAD and SIDS.
vThe interiors
should not suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity and environmental
vThe building is
full of natural sunlight at desirable timings.
vPerfect balancing
of desirable band of temperature, sound, wind velocity, wind direction and
relative humidity.
vThe indoor air
quality is good. It is free from inorganic contaminations like carbon monoxide
and nitrogen dioxide etc. It should also be free from germs, bacteria and fungi
beyond maximum limits permitted by the authority.
vThere should be
a flow of fresh air inside, ventilation rate should be high.
vThere should be
substantial amount of negative ions in the indoor environment.
vGreen plants and
trees located in or around the plot make it a Healthy Dwelling.
vThe furniture
placement should be free from the EMF periphery.
vThe orientation
and openings of the building are planned considering the pattern of solar
vThe form of the
building is designed considering the environmental forces and pressures.
placement of furniture should be away from the geomagnetic influence.
vA perfect bio
climate should be built inside and a perfect Bio Environment Around.
vPresence of
Cosmo-telluric channel.
vThe cycle of air,
energy, bio-matter and water should complete.
vEco-friendly or
natural materials have been used.
vFurniture that
ensures complete body support has been used.
vThe material,
shape, angle and look of furniture stretch the basic health guidelines.
vThe internal
setup is such that ensures maximum natural benedictions.
harmonization in usage of colour, texture, shape, decorative items and
vIt has been
planned on a positive theme or concept like nature, health, or mental
relaxation etc. It has also been designed considering the needs, desires and
aspirations of occupants. There should be a reflection of personality of the
occupants all over.
vSafety and
health measures have been completely adhered as per the bylaws of the
constructing a GREEN
BUILDING as per the guidelines of GRIHA and MNRE.
constructing a Vastu friendly building.