Thursday, 24 May 2018

How About A ‘Vastu’ Way To Find A Resolution To Complex Problems?

This is the age of freedom from monotony, out of the box thinking and technological interventions that set the pace for human happiness on a large scale. This simply translates to the fact that with the advent of fresh perspectives on age old wisdom such as vastu shastra, astrology, colour design and interior design, it has now become easy to launch a journey of adventure that is meaningful for everyone. 

Pursuing a detailed and scientifically designed course in any of these fields equips you to be a friend, philosopher and guide to everyone who deserves happiness and success in their lives. Whether it is Diploma in Vastu or Scientific Vastu, it is imperative that you are really keen and determined to acquire the age old wisdom packed in a way that is marked by a streak of innovation and freshness to deliver only the best outcomes to the respective clients who may be suffering due to reasons unknown to them.

The institutes that have earned high reputation such as Design Gurukul follow a scientific pedagogy so as to enable the students (who are new to the subject) absorb the maximum right from the nascent stage and never falter on the sometimes complicated but basic concepts. The courses such as Diploma in Colour Design or commercial interior design are clubbed under the category ‘building sciences’ that pave the way for logical resolution to the problems finding their origin from the modern lifestyle.  

Where it is important to decide with an open mind if you are a serious learner, you actually set yourself on a wonderful journey that is full of pleasant surprises in terms of astonishing revelations about the energy that packs and surrounds us and how it works for our betterment on a day to day basis. So, on one hand where you start discovering your own self, you also equip yourself to bring in a pleasing experience for those who are in distress or wish to unleash their true potential.  

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Benefits of Good Vastu, and a Simple Remedy to Overcome the Defects

The advantages of living in a Vastu Compliant House are, it helps in enhancing relationships, repelling negative energies and has an overall sense of harmony. In other words Vastu is the Key to Success in matters of importance when it comes to human lives like remaining healthy, Wealthy and Prosperous.

If living in a 100% Vastu Compliant Building is not possible one should always do the interior arrangements accordingly and the habitant will benefit physically as well as mentally leading into a successful life.

The majestic feature which one wishes for peace of mind, health, success and prosperity in life, can be achieved following the principles of Vastu.

With the positive energy moving towards and in the house the residents can look ahead with confidence and the correct usage of the directions as per the Vastu Principles minimizes the negativity around the place.

As a balanced lifestyle maintains and promotes good physical and mental health, similarly 'good Vastu' is essential for improving the quality of our lives. A few benefits which one enjoys in a vastu compliant house are.

The inhabitants feel full of health and vitality
They start becoming prosperous
The atmosphere is harmonious.
Relationships move forward with no glitches.
Inhabitants are inspired to do more and better thereby improving efficiency.
A good night's sleep is assured.
Promotes general fortune and wellbeing.

If staying in a residence with a bad vastu and for any reason beyond your control, you are not able to leave it, still do not despair, as there is a solution for every problem. The following points can set right a defective vastu to a large extent.

A fish Aquarium placed appropriately can create lots of positive energies, which can subvert the negativity in the place, it is considered to be the catalyst to attract wealth, create harmony at the dwelling area, it is also said that the fish takes upon itself the problems arising out of the negativity in the atmosphere.

If the residents are facing financial misfortune, the fish aquarium positioned in the main hall or the south-west portion of the house, it opens up financial avenues and resolves the crisis. Feeding of fish is a panacea for all sins and deeds done knowingly or unknowingly. It is observed that the moment of the fish tends to make the humans also feel energetic and brings in the enthusiasm.

To ensure that your life is tension free and happy, go with the principles of Vastu and you will feel the difference.

Friday, 4 May 2018

How to Use Numerology to Find Your Soulmate and Leave the Dating World Behind

Numerology can be very helpful in predicting compatibility in all your relationships, both business and personal.  Here we'll be taking a look at how Numerology can be used to identify your romantic soul mates.  And yes, I believe we have more than one.

What is a "Life Path number" and what does it have to do with finding my soul mate?

Your Life Path number is derived from your birth date and is the most important number in your Numerology Chart.  Among other things, it reveals your mission in this lifetime, the main lessons you are here to learn, and the most fulfilling career path for you to follow.

I believe our true soul mates in this lifetime are walking on Life Paths that complement our own. Although no two Life Paths are completely incompatible, certain number combinations have an almost magical potential together, while others can be more than a little hard work.

Connecting with people on complementary Life Paths often results in the type of loving relationships that are greater and more powerful than the sum of their parts.

As an example, philanthropic rock star Bono is a 4 and his wife Ali Hewson is a 7. They've been sweethearts since childhood.  And could it be any coincidence that Bill & Melinda Gates are also a 4 and 7?  You decide.

How can I use Numerology to connect with my ideal mate?

I invite you to discover for yourself how accurate and ultimately powerful Numerology can be as a tool for predicting compatibility.

While there are many Life Path numbers that have 'FAIR to GOOD' potential compatibility, other combinations are potentially 'EXCELLENT'.
If your mission is to  connect with your perfect mates with ease and grace -- in half the time -- welcome to what may just be one of the most exciting discoveries of your life.  And the first thing you need to know is your own Life Path number.

This is Step One to increasing your self-awareness and connecting with your soul mates.

How do I find my Life Path number?

This number is very easy to calculate for purposes of predicting compatibility. Simply add the numbers of your birth date together as follows:

We'll use the date October 11, 1975 as an example:

Step 1: Add 10 (for October since it's the 10th month of the year)
Step 2: Add 11 (for the 11th day of the month)
Step 3: Add 22 (for the year 1975, since 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 22)
Step 4: Add 10 + 11 + 22 = 43
Step 5: Reduce 43 by adding 4 + 3. This equals 7.
That's it. This person has a 7 Life Path.

[*Note: In Step 4, keep adding the numbers in the total sum together until you reach a single digit. And just for the record, the numbers 11 and 22 are considered to be special 'master' numbers in Numerology, so for all OTHER purposes (besides compatibility), we would NOT reduce them to a single digit.]

How can I learn the Life Path number of my prospective dates, mates and close friends?

In a perfect world, people would not lie about their birth dates.  However, this is a common challenge on dating sites, so beware.  All you can do is your best in determining if a birth date is accurate.  And once you have it, use the above formula to calculate their Life Path number as early in the relationship as possible.

Also be sure to take a look at PAST relationships as well as present.  Prepare to be amazed at the similar patterns you will find.  And through this understanding, a new light of hope may begin to shine from your heart.

Is the Life Path number the ONLY important number in determining my compatibility with a prospective mate?

No. There are five main core numbers in your Numerology Charts and all are important. However, your Life Path number is the most important.  And definitely the best place to start in weeding out the time wasters and "energy vampires" in your life.

The reason we begin by focusing on our Life Path number is because it describes the DIRECTION we are heading in this life, our central MISSION, the main LESSON we are here to learn.

If two people are traveling on complimentary Life Paths, growing in the same general direction, it's a very positive indication of the potential for a highly synergistic, long-lasting relationship. And it can also help dilute any incompatibility that might be found in the rest of your Numerology Charts.

What about the OTHER numbers in my chart?

There are four other "core numbers" besides your Life Path. These other core numbers describe your deepest heart's desire, natural talents, personality, and instinctive approach to everyday life.

And in addition to these other core numbers, there are even MORE numbers that pertain to things such as timing issues.  It's important to keep in mind that these also play a significant role in your life and your relationships.

While it is possible to learn to calculate these numbers on your own, it can definitely be a tad bit time-consuming.  And since the real reward is in the interpretation of your entire chart, it is advisable to consult a high-quality professional Numerologist who offers private consultations.

They will be able to do an in-depth analysis of your full original birth name and birth date, offer practical advice on both personal and business affairs, and perhaps even help you find the love of your life!

Dr. R. M. Mehra is an expert Numerologist specializing in character profiling and relationship analysis in support of team building. Her clientele includes CEOs of major corporations, film stars, artists, authors, producers, recording artists, spiritual teachers, and professionals from all walks of life. To schedule a private Numerology Consultation or order a written Compatibility report, visit her website at [],or call 011-64582627, 011-45872129,+91-9607980011,+91-9650237918.