Saturday, 30 November 2019

Closely Perceiving Vastu Shastra Association with the world’s Energy

Taking the studies of Vastu Shastra in consideration, the lines of energy run from north to south and from east to west in the form of large grids. Thus, the vibes produced have a large impact on the cellular system. As a result of which the body and the minds of the beings residing in the home gets affected as well. When you have the vibes controlling your organs of the body and your kind then, you have to be much précised about keeping them positively energetic (as that is something within your reach).
Above all, according to the Scientific Vastu Shastra, placing something on the earth interrupts the electromagnetic flow of the earth as it happens to intervene in the big grids. Thus, the energy needs to be restored in some alternative way so that there can be a harmonious flow of energy making the environment potentially the consummate ones to promote Healthy Living in the place.

Unearthing the prescription of Vastu Shastra
Encounter basic Numerology and layouts of Vastu Shastra in the following pointers:
·        Brahma Muhrat is 3 A.M. to 6 A.M where the sun is in the Northeast. Thus, facing the sun side of your Green Building and mediating can refill energy in you to the pinnacle.
·        6 A.M to 9 A.M is the time where the sun lies in the east and hence, bathing facing towards east really pays off.
·        9 A.M. to 12 noon is the time where the sun can be found in the Southeast. Thus, taking the mid-day meal facing the Southeast is recommended.
·        From noon to 3 Am the sun lies in south and thus, resting towards the South of the home helps.
·        From 3-6 P.M. serves as the right time for the students to study facing Southwest
·        6 to 9 P.M is meant for having dinner and 9 P.M. to 3 A.M is meant for sleep.

Final words:
The main goal of the study of Vastu Shastra focuses on balancing out the vibration of the building and the cosmos of the earth so that they can vibrate in peace with the universe. Hence, the vibration consequently produced affects the building positively bringing out the creative place, making way to prosperity and peace. Accordingly, Vastu Shastra recommends Color Designing, interior designing etc. to make home the most intuitively creative place to reside in.


Friday, 22 November 2019

Vastu - The Vedic Science Of Construction

Vastu is traditionally used in India for town planning and architecture. Vastu comes from the Vedic literature and is found in the Atharvaveda. Vastu is also known as Vedic Science. It attracts good health conditions, happiness and prosperity.

There are four categories of Vastu

1. The earth/ site - Bhoomi, on which everything stands
2. Structures on the earth - Prasada
3. Movable objects - Yaana
4. Furniture - Sayana

The Five Elements

Vastu is the science of direction and architecture that puts together the five elements of nature and adjusts them in harmony with the man and the material. Vastu Shastra is creating a congenial settings or a place to live or work, taking advantage of the benefits bestowed by the five elements called "Paancha Maha Bhootas" of the nature thereby producing positive energy that enhances health, wealth, prosperity and happiness in a spiritual environment.

Each direction is ruled by a deity and they are as follows:

1. Northeast - Eeshanya or Eeshwara Siva - Ruled by Lord of all quarters
2. East - Aditya- Ruled by Sun God
3. Southeast - Agni- Ruled by Lord of Fire - Agni
4. South - Yama- Ruled by Lord of Death - Yama
5. Southwest - Pitru/Nairutya, Nairuthi- Ruled by ancestors
6. West - Varuna - Ruled by Lord of water
7. Northwest - Vayu - ruled by Lord Of Winds
8. North - Kubera - Ruled by Lord of Wealth
9. Center - Brahma - Ruled by Lord/Creator of the Universe

Vastu in Building:

Vastu Shastra prescribes favorable forms or shapes for sites and buildings based on flow of energy. Many of the rules are attributed in a way that they are in line with the cosmos creation - the sun's path, the rotation of the earth, magnetic field, etc. The sunrise and morning sun is especially beneficial and purifying and hence the East is a treasured direction. The body is considered a magnet with the head, the heaviest and most important part, being considered the North Pole and the feet the South Pole. Therefore sleeping with one's head in the North is said to cause a repulsive force with the earth's magnetic North and thus is harmful.

Vastu in Health:

When we talk of Vastu and health, we need to relate Vastu with Ayurveda. By intertwining the two subjects we will be in a position to understand the different diseases and health problems and how by certain Vastu corrections we could treat the diseases or ailments better for giving faster relief to the patients.

The Air principle: created from ether and air. A Vata person can be prone to chronic constipation, back pain (normally lower back), paralysis, arthritis, etc.

The fire principle: Created from fire. A Pitta individual can be prone to rashes, itches and be susceptible to liver disorders.

The Water Principle: Created from water and earth. A Kapha individual can be prone to congestion of lungs, obesity, bronchitis, sinusitis and cold related ailments.

These three basic problems also called tridoshas, three bio-energies or biological humors, build and nurture the body and carry out the biological functions of an individual. The augmentation or decline of one or more of these doshas upsets the biological functions and disease sets in.

Disturbing Energies: Effects of Vastu on the environment

Studies reveal that the tsunami tidal waves moved along the Northwest -Southeast diagonal to hit India and Sri Lanka.

Dr. R. M. Mehra is an expert consultant for Scientific Vastu, religious gifts from India, and Design Gurukul. You can find the best marketplace for Vastu, religious gifts from India, and Design Gurukul at these sites for Vastu Shastra.