Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Giving ‘Life’ to Bathroom

With increasing recognition of eco-friendly technology, efforts are being made to save our planet. Have you ever thought about going green in your bathroom? These vastu remedies tips will make you bathroom healthy,Besides water and energy efficient fixtures, we can go green in our bathroom with flowers and plants. Flowers and plants freshen up the space and give a good punch of color to the décor. Plants and their root microbes are nature’s biological cleaning machines. 

They actually assist in keeping air in the room clean and fresh, thus there is no need to invest in artificial air/room fresheners; Save Money! Bathrooms have low light and high level of humidity, plants like Asparagus Fern, Orchids, Aloe Vera, Snake Plant, Spider Plant, Chinese evergreen, Peace Lily, Bamboo, Boston fern, Cast Iron Plant, Kimberly Fern, Gardenia and many more can actually thrive in this humid space. Bathrooms are breeding grounds for mold, mildew and germs which can lead to health problems like irritation in nose, eyes or throat, coughing, wheezing and other allergic reactions. To keep these problems at bay, open windows for air circulation and allow sunlight to enter as it naturally cleanses and odorizes the bathroom. Make your bathroom healthy, stylish, and beautiful yet functional without spending lot of money!

Vastu for Conference Room

More than any other room in an office, the conference room is the embodiment of a company's inner working.It portrays the company's status and image. Conference room should be located in the east, northeast or north of the office. The conference room is a layout - its unifying table surrounded by a family of chairs – is the expression, in design, of how a company is run should be according to vastu for office. Direct access to the conference room from the main entrance is advisable, and adjacency to the toilet room is a necessity.

The design of a conference room should provide a calm, neutral backdrop for visual presentations in east direction.It should be preferred that most of the people should face east. If products are to be presented, they must be clearly illuminated, without distortion. In addition to projection screens, the conference room should include magnetic board and display walls for materials. A positive concept like exchange of knowledge can be chosen while designing a conference room. Painting of green and growing plants can be used in conference room. Off-white or blue colour can be used on walls,Color designing will affect the overall wealth status of the company.

Teakwood furniture should be used. Rich material like velvet can be used for upholstery with sky bluish and creamish shades. The chair should support all body parts. The back should be S-shaped with perfect armrests. The angle while sitting should be 90o or a little more. The seat should be two-third of the length of the thigh. The chair should ensure waterfall edging and anti-shock mechanism. The furniture should not have any sharp corners or edges. It should have simple and energy efficient.vedic science clears all the negative aspects that impacting the business via latest instruments and gadgets.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Tips on Sleeping Position

A person sleeping with his head towards the North will have problems during sleep and may have problems related to blood circulation.

Here are some other directions for sleeping :
·         Growing children should sleep with their heads towards the East.
·         Try using a wooden bed instead of beds with iron or brass frame as metal works as an antenna.
·         Avoid box type beds.
·         Avoid a door opposite to the bed.
·         Avoid negative images in bedroom.
·         At night, switch off the mains because it gives out harmful radiation.
·         Open all the windows in the bedroom in the morning for about two hours.
·         The ceiling temperature of your bedroom should be less than your body temperature or else you may get a headache.


·         The ideal entrance to the house is from the North, North - East or East. Maximum openings in terms of windows and ventilators should be provided in the North - Eastern quadrant to allow positive sunrays. The master bedroom is recommended in the South West part of the house.

·         The kitchen should be in the South East of the house.
·         Basement should be constructed in the East, North or North - East corner of the proposed building.
·         Balconies or projected verandah \ platforms should be proposed towards the North and East side, with the level of the floor lower than that of the general floor.
·         In the living room, furniture should be placed more towards the Western and the Southern side.
·         All mirrors should be fixed on the North or East walls and not on the South and West walls. Consequently, the wash - basins in the toilet too have to be fixed to the North or East wall.
·         Hanging or fixing strategic mirrors can help in deflecting the unwanted or unhealthy energies.
·         Changing the position of furniture and fittings.
·         Changing color schemes.
·         Changing the direction of circulation of wind \ air.
·         Adding or moving plants inside the house.
·         Changing the layout of garden \ terrace garden.
·         Changing the interior design.

Monday, 4 May 2020


An ideal home can be defined as a place, which can ensure mental relaxation, comfort, joy, physical stability, energy and activeness with perfect harmonization of the body, mind, soul. It is a place where the occupants are mentally and physically happy, stable and positively growing. There are certain characteristics of an ideal home. Some of them are stated below:
·         An Ideal Home generally has a positive, relaxing, soothing and a healthy feel in the internal environment.
·         An Ideal Home is generally located on a healthy location. The latitude, longitude and altitude on which the building resides help in creating healthy environment. The external physical placements like parks, trees, roads and neighboring buildings also help in creating a healthy environment.
·         An Ideal Home is generally full of sunlight and fresh air at desired timings.
·         An Ideal Home maintains healthy levels of sound inside the building
·         An Ideal Home has a perfect balance between the internal and external environment.
·         It does not suffer from any type of stress and aggression from land, building or environment.

·         An Ideal Home generally ensures a complete circulation of air, bio matter, energy and water.
·         It has a perfect balance of Cosmo-telluric channel.
·         The indoor air quality of an Ideal home is healthy. It is free of all organic contaminations like mold, germs and bacteria etc and inorganic contaminations like radon, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide beyond the permissible maximum limits as per the authority.
·         The temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and velocity in an Ideal home generally suits the human requirements.
·         An ideal home has healthy and ergonomic furniture placed in safe zone.
·         The construction material used in an Ideal home is generally natural and eco friendly.

·         An Ideal home is generally planned and designed as per the laws of nature (Vastu). Buildings following basic norms of Vaastu create a perfect balance and harmony with the nature.