Vastu Remedies
Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of in habitation,
is unfortunately one of the most misunderstood concepts of the present day.
Call it the ignorance, fear or blind belief of people
regarding doom and bad luck, Vastu Remedies has ended up as a science, which
requires demolition and mindlessly planned non-functional constructions. In
truth, Vastu is not about demolition.
This ancient science of construction is based on concepts
which are aimed at bringing harmony in life. In Sanskrit, "Vasa"
means dwelling and "Shastra" refers to science.
So, this is a science which deals with dwelling or
in habitation.
History of Vastu Remedies
The ancient Hindu Puranas speak of "Panchatatva"
or five elements which constitute the world. They are earth, water, fire, air
and space.
According to the Puranas and as modern day science has also
proved, each of these five elements has immense influence on a person's
physical and mental health.
In fact the human body has been formed from the confluence
of the Panchatatva, although the interpretations of fire, water, earth, space
and air are different in the human body and are associated with the nature of energy.
So, when the environment at home is perfectly in tune with
the laws and aspects of nature, all parts of the body experience the best of
In any space, if the five basic elements can be balanced so
that they have the most appropriate influence on people living in it, there is
happiness, prosperity and harmony.
Each of these five elements has certain aspects where its
force is dominant. The principles of Vastu bring a harmony among the five
elements and hence, create well-being at home.
More about Vastu Remedies
In other words, Vastu Remedies optimizes on the power of
nature to spread cheer and peace among people.
So, is there a need to demolish existing structures and
rebuild it on the lines of this science? No, not necessarily.
This science is about driving away negativity from the
house, which can be accomplished without destruction of the existing structure.
Negativity thrives when there is an imbalance among the five
elements. There are a lot of factors which influence the flow of positive and
negative energies in a space.
An expert begins by analyzing the home and recognizing areas
where there energy flow faces obstructions. A number of scientific calculations
and a deep insight into the science are essential to identify factors which cause
destruction of peace at home.
The practitioner gives you remedies, usually in form of
placement of certain objects, which either absorb or reflect energies and bring
a balance in the space.
Visit Design Gurukul for more.
Final Verdict
When there is disharmony and discord in a home, people
usually assume that they suffer from "Vastu Dosha". This is another
major misinterpretation.
Dosha, contrary to common perceptions, does not mean
"curse". In Sanskrit, it means unfavorable conditions.
So, when there is an imbalance of the five elements,
conditions at home become unfavorable and the family falls upon bad days.
Unfortunately, in many cases, this is not the case.
Improper Vastu is not the only factor, which causes
problems, although applying the principle of this science can ease troubles up
to a certain extent.
The concepts of this ancient science are eternal and they
will endure through eternity. All that matters is knowledgeable application of
these brilliantly profound principles.
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