Saturday, 12 June 2021

Tarot Card Reading Institute In Delhi

 What comes to your mind when "tarot cards" strike your senses? Is it a woman in a vibrant gown, sitting on the other side of a small table in a candlelit room, and predicting your coming fortune? Though this is a common answer to this question, there is much more you'd know about these tarot cards and the art of tarot card reading. So, let's start.


In simple words, the tarot is a deck of 78 cards. Each of these cards has its imagery, symbolism, and story. Of these 78 cards, 22 tarot cards are the Major Arcana cards that signify life's karmic and spiritual lessons. The remaining 56 cards are the Minor Arcana with four suits i.e. King, Queen, Knight, and Jack. These signify the trials and sufferings you experience daily.


Now, within the 56 Minor Arcana cards, 16 cards symbolize 16 different personality traits you may express at any time. And the remaining 40 Minor Arcana cards consist of 4 suits (King, Queen, Knight, and Jack) of 10 cards each representing various situations you may encounter daily.


Now, what a tarot card reader does is answer your questions which may revolve about any part of your life like personal or professional.


If you think of tarot card reading as simply pulling a card of your choice and reading its contents, you are wrong. Tarot card reading is of two types - question readings and open readings. While the former deals with the particular question you may seek the answer(s) to, the latter addresses the broader aspects of your life. For example, question reading can include queries like:


      When will I get married?

      Which profession is ideal for me?

      Shall I adopt a pet?


On the other hand, open reading addresses questions like:


      What will my future look like?

      What is the scope of my professional life?

      Will my married life be successful?


In a nutshell, tarot cards may appear to you as vibrant or stylish cards, they serve an important function in predicting your fortune and much more. If you want to become a tarot card reader and are looking for the best tarot card readinginstitute in Delhi, Design Gurukul is for you.


Why Choose Design Gurukul?


Design Gurukul is the best tarot card reading institute in Delhi. It is an ISO 9001:2015 certified trust registered under the Indian Trust Act, Government of NCT of Delhi. Additionally, the institute is a member of the Indian Green Building Council. Besides its popular program on tarot card reading, it also offers detailed programs on scientific Vastu, healthy home, astrology, numerology, energy sensing, color interior styling, color healing & therapy, and health & wellbeing.


Hence, to start your career as a tarot card reader, hold the helping hands of Design Gurukul.  

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