Saturday, 27 January 2018


Vastu is an ancient science of architecture. It is the science, which has lived since evolution of mankind. It is felt, perceived and analyzed by many but expressed and written by few. It is that part of experiential learning, which is now taken up as experimental learning. Vastu was a subject of masses and followed by many.  It is a deep understanding of harmony between Purush (Living Beings) and Prakriti (Nature). Harmony is an instinctive understanding and is primarily sub conscientious driven.  Living beings understand harmony very well.   It is inbuilt and felt deeply. The only constraint is that mankind is not able to define, quantify or explain wellbeing and harmony. Scientific Vastu has attempted to define, quantify and explain the harmonious exchange of energies through the ancient science of architecture.

Vastu has existed beyond all calculations. Our ancient architects were able to understand the deep-rooted relationship between living beings (Purush) and Nature (Prakriti). They could understand how micro systems (living beings) work in harmony with the Macro systems (nature). The fundamental laws of Vastu have come instinctively to human beings. They observed the laws of nature, constructed buildings in accordance with those laws and nature. Such a harmonious relationship has worked for thousands of years. It has helped millions of people.  Ancient buildings were Green, energy efficient, generated least wastage, used all natural materials and energies and served for hundreds of years with efficiency. The buildings were constructed keeping the Natures law in mind. The natures clock (Movement of natural energies) affects the Biological clock (car cardiac rhythm) and the whole life system functions according to it.  The smart understanding of laws of nature in accordance with beings in a building created healthy environments. Such a Healthy environment established a permanent QUALITY OF LIFE in all respects mental, physical and spiritual. Scientific Vastu is different from general vastu as it is logical, customized, proven, practical, scientific and research based. It is based on various guidelines too.

Scientific Vastu is the study of (life) or relationship between occupants and building in context land, location and environment (Forces of Nature).”

There are five prime key factors in the definition:
Occupants (living Beings- Humans or other beings)
Building (Structure)                                  
Land (Soil & Landform)
Location (Community Activity)
Environment (internal & external environment- Nature)

It is important to understand that all the five factors should necessarily be in perfect harmony with each other to create a perfect Scientific Vastu

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Colour Designing

Colour is a chromatic aspect of an object that makes it look different depending on the spectral position of light reaching the eye’s retina”

Like the air that we breathe, colour is all around us, filling our lives with its powerful energy and affecting our moods and emotions in ways that we often don't even realize. Also like the air that we breathe, we don't actually take time to think about the role that it plays in our everyday lives, and how much we take it for granted. However, evidence of the importance of Colour is everywhere if we simply take the time to look around us.

Colour has long been known to produce physiological reactions within the body, and this has been put to use in many cultures in Colour healing. At the core of this practice, the Eastern mystics have long associated the seven spectral hues to the seven chakras, which are energy centers’ located on the body. Each colour of the spectrum is associated with a specific part of the body, and this is used to make a link between the mind, body and spirit.

In Western science, colour psychology is still a relatively new area, studying individual colours and the effects that they have on our physical and emotional states. Incredibly, there are striking similarities between the Eastern and Western colour associations, indicating that colour intuition can be quite accurate, and that Colour truly is a universal language.

Ø Color therapy, Chromo therapy or Colourology is healing through colours using energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones, crystals, water, sunlight, and sound.
Ø Color is simply a form of visible light, of electromagnetic energy. The science of attuned colour waves in healing is called as Spectrochromometry.
Ø All the primary colors reflected in the rainbow carry their own unique healing properties.
Ø The sun alone is a wonderful healer.
Ø It has been proven that lack of sunlight contributes to depression for some people (SAD).
Ø A therapist trained in color therapy applies light and color in the form of tools, visualization, or verbal suggestion to balance energy in the areas of our bodies that are lacking may it be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. 
 Today it is important for almost everyone to have a clear idea of colours to make their life easy and effective. Most of the professionals should Learn Colour Designing too Design Gurukul.


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Friday, 12 January 2018

Numerology - Does It Really Work?

Like many others, several decades ago, I was attracted to many of the metaphysical sciences and especially numerology.

Though numerology is probably the least known or understood of the metaphysical sciences it is currently enjoying a massive revival. Is this revival due to the current global issues our society is confronted with, and can numerology assist in fixing the issues many are feeling threatened by?

In the very basic of terms numerology is formulated on the idea that everything in the universe is made up of and is affected by numbers. Numerology has been well documented through the eons of civilization and it is now believed that Numerology is probably the oldest science known to man.

In early Hebrew history the interpretation of numbers was considered highly important. Letters of the Hebrew alphabet was based on numbers. It was said that the relationship of the letter and the number were both interconnected with the cosmic forces. Later during the Middle Ages a numerical mysticism evolved from the teachings of Merkabah which was a sect of Judaism. Then in the 13th century the German Kabbalists developed Gematria, a mystic numerical interpretation of the Scriptures.

Evidence also exists regarding the use of Numerology thousands of years ago in China, Rome, Japan and Greece. The ancient Greeks have given us a myriad of technological and scientific data that becomes even more relevant as time advances and it is the Greek philosopher Pythagoras with whom we credit for the modern day versions of Numerology. It is very true that Pythagoras did not invent numerology however it was his theories that took numerology to a different level. Hence the reason as to why Pythagoras is credited with being the father of numerology.

From the beginning of the twentieth century several mystics and authors have added their interpretation to form what we have today as modern numerology.

None of this answers the question though - "Does it really work?"

Over these past two decades I have immersed myself in learning what I can in regards to the numbers and how they can affect, influence or assist me in manipulating my every day life.

I used to spend hours wandering through hundreds of Healing Fairs, being engrossed with the various stalls. I have spent hours watching with great anticipation while people handed over their hard earned cash for tarot card readings, astrology charts, Numerology Charts and the like.

I used to think that just maybe there was something in what many of my friends thought was just a lot of mumbo jumbo.

On one of those many occasions I saw one guy who was doing numerology readings from his lap top. We got chatting and it wasn't long before I had invested in my very own computer Numerology Program. Now I had already spent hours researching my name, my date of birth, where I lived via what I love to call my numerology bible.

You might ask, why, for what reason did you want to compare the two different systems of numerology. Well my friend my aim was to prove that my so called bible and this computer program would produce different sets of information.

For the first sixth months I had immense fun keying in everything I possible could, each time becoming more and more impressed with the information that I produced.
No, I could not prove that either was wrong, the information was the same and oh so accurate. You might also ask - why is this so? Easy, you see, numbers affect our every day existence because based on name at birth and the date of birth the entire information about one's life is readily available. Things can change in one's life, yet one thing is constant, the date of one's birth.

Over the years the more I study numerology, the more I begin to understand how very substantial readings are. You see your name does literally contain a powerhouse of vital information about your life, your potential and your future. Numerology is a language that allows you to expand the horizon of your spiritual awareness. It opens doors in your psyche that perhaps at this time you do not even know exist.

Remember you are living in a society where no matter what type of job you have, at some stage you have to deal with others. The others could be your boss, your friends, your colleagues, other workers, government officials, your partners, business associates, and your family. The list is endless. You may find that dealing with some people is easy and with others it is difficult. You have to treat or deal with everyone and every situation differently so as to reach what we all call a comfort level otherwise the relationship can be a disaster. No matter what your reason for trying to make an impact on someone, numerology can go a long way towards assisting you in figuring out what makes someone lean in your favor. Consulting the numbers does really work.
I have seen how businesses can work effectively with numerology. Choosing a business name is one of the most important aspects in starting a business. The name that is chosen will represent the image and label of your business and this is an image that must be clearly conveyed to your impending customers. A business name carries a powerful energy that can create great success! Yet it can also be the cause behind a constant struggle with middle-of-the-road performance. So whether you are starting a new company or have an established enterprise, you should really use the numbers to make your business strong and eliminate the areas that may cause disharmony.

Yes numerology does really work. By using Numerology in your daily life you can overcome many of the obstacles that just seem to pop up in what you might refer to as a precise and calculated way. Discover simple and quick ways to maximize your energy and reduce your stress! You will learn some really amazing details about your physical, mental, emotional, and 'intuitive' abilities! Why not discover which of these are the strongest and weakest and what they can accomplish for you! Uncover those secrets of your personality, secrets that sometimes even you do not understand fully!
Why does numerology really work? Again the answer is simple - Numerology is a very old and powerful science. It has been developed, improved and enhanced for over 4,000 years by some of the greatest minds and mathematicians in the world and because of all the recent advancements in both mathematics and numerology, readings and calculations can now be done for you that were not possible before.

Design Gurukul has been a long time follower of Numerology. If my article has whet your appetite to learn just a little more about yourself, then why not discover the power of numerology yourself online.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Vastu Shastra

"AVA TVAM VASTUNYU IMASI GA MADHYE, YATR GAVAU BHURI SHRINGA AVASAH" which means Vastu has a relation with greh devta (deity of the home).

Vastu refers to 'abode' the place where you live and Shastra refers to 'Vidya' means science or knowledge, so Vastu Shastra is the science pertaining to designing and building of houses. India is considered the mother of Vastu as the ancient saints said. This had evolved in India during the Vedic times. In India, it evolved around 5000 years ago and is considered a super science. Vastu gives a fair touch in every life on the universe. The word 'Vastu' was originated from the term 'VASTOSHPATI' and it refers to render happiness, prosperity and protection in life and after death too.

Vastu is the science of directions and it consist number of elements, which remains kept in their mind in such a way to get the maximum advantage out of it. There are eight directions namely, northeast, north, southeast, east, southwest, south, northwest and west. Feng-shui is originated in the Tibet, Japan and China.

Vastu provide a peaceful environment and supporting the spiritual, physical prosperity and health. The proofs of Vastu Shastra could find during the period of Mahabharata and Ramayana, its applications can be seen in the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. That time considered that the benefits and blessings would be showered on us.

Indian Vastu Shastra is a perfect knowledge of geography, direction, environment, and physics. It is essentially the art of placing the correct settings in a manner that yields the maximum benefits. vastu shastra gives a good sign and good results when the positive energies are found. Hence, Indian Vastu Shastra goes a long way in understanding the effects and benefits and when they are followed with right notion, success follows every person. The five elements of the universe are sky (Akash), water (Paani), wind (Vayu), fire (Agni) and earth (Prithvi). The human body is also made up of these five elements.

To know more about Vastu Shastra or to get Interior Decoration ideas check out .