Thursday, 18 January 2018

Colour Designing

Colour is a chromatic aspect of an object that makes it look different depending on the spectral position of light reaching the eye’s retina”

Like the air that we breathe, colour is all around us, filling our lives with its powerful energy and affecting our moods and emotions in ways that we often don't even realize. Also like the air that we breathe, we don't actually take time to think about the role that it plays in our everyday lives, and how much we take it for granted. However, evidence of the importance of Colour is everywhere if we simply take the time to look around us.

Colour has long been known to produce physiological reactions within the body, and this has been put to use in many cultures in Colour healing. At the core of this practice, the Eastern mystics have long associated the seven spectral hues to the seven chakras, which are energy centers’ located on the body. Each colour of the spectrum is associated with a specific part of the body, and this is used to make a link between the mind, body and spirit.

In Western science, colour psychology is still a relatively new area, studying individual colours and the effects that they have on our physical and emotional states. Incredibly, there are striking similarities between the Eastern and Western colour associations, indicating that colour intuition can be quite accurate, and that Colour truly is a universal language.

Ø Color therapy, Chromo therapy or Colourology is healing through colours using energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones, crystals, water, sunlight, and sound.
Ø Color is simply a form of visible light, of electromagnetic energy. The science of attuned colour waves in healing is called as Spectrochromometry.
Ø All the primary colors reflected in the rainbow carry their own unique healing properties.
Ø The sun alone is a wonderful healer.
Ø It has been proven that lack of sunlight contributes to depression for some people (SAD).
Ø A therapist trained in color therapy applies light and color in the form of tools, visualization, or verbal suggestion to balance energy in the areas of our bodies that are lacking may it be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. 
 Today it is important for almost everyone to have a clear idea of colours to make their life easy and effective. Most of the professionals should Learn Colour Designing too Design Gurukul.


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