Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Vastu Shastra

"AVA TVAM VASTUNYU IMASI GA MADHYE, YATR GAVAU BHURI SHRINGA AVASAH" which means Vastu has a relation with greh devta (deity of the home).

Vastu refers to 'abode' the place where you live and Shastra refers to 'Vidya' means science or knowledge, so Vastu Shastra is the science pertaining to designing and building of houses. India is considered the mother of Vastu as the ancient saints said. This had evolved in India during the Vedic times. In India, it evolved around 5000 years ago and is considered a super science. Vastu gives a fair touch in every life on the universe. The word 'Vastu' was originated from the term 'VASTOSHPATI' and it refers to render happiness, prosperity and protection in life and after death too.

Vastu is the science of directions and it consist number of elements, which remains kept in their mind in such a way to get the maximum advantage out of it. There are eight directions namely, northeast, north, southeast, east, southwest, south, northwest and west. Feng-shui is originated in the Tibet, Japan and China.

Vastu provide a peaceful environment and supporting the spiritual, physical prosperity and health. The proofs of Vastu Shastra could find during the period of Mahabharata and Ramayana, its applications can be seen in the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. That time considered that the benefits and blessings would be showered on us.

Indian Vastu Shastra is a perfect knowledge of geography, direction, environment, and physics. It is essentially the art of placing the correct settings in a manner that yields the maximum benefits. vastu shastra gives a good sign and good results when the positive energies are found. Hence, Indian Vastu Shastra goes a long way in understanding the effects and benefits and when they are followed with right notion, success follows every person. The five elements of the universe are sky (Akash), water (Paani), wind (Vayu), fire (Agni) and earth (Prithvi). The human body is also made up of these five elements.

To know more about Vastu Shastra or to get Interior Decoration ideas check out .

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